
Finding Shoes That Fit Means Healthier Feet

By: Janet Martin

Women simply adore shoes. Just visit the shoe section of a department store and you will see a wide variety of styles, colors, designs, and make of shoes all over the place. Be it sneakers, stilettos, pumps, wedges, clogs, and slippers. For as long as they are fabulous and fashionable, women will be coming in droves to buy shoes. In fact, there are people, such as the infamous Imelda Marcos, who are known because of their shoe collection.

But aside from pinching the wallet, women's love for footwear has caused a lot of pain for their feet. In the case of majority of women, foot pain is not only caused by carrying body weight day in and day out, but also because of dangerously high or ill-fitted shoes. This is the reason why it is not surprising for women to complain about blisters, calluses, corns, broken toenails, pinched nerves, bunions and many more.

If you are one of those who sacrifice foot comfort for fashion, you should be warned that there are serious implications of wearing ultra-high and wobbly high-heeled footwear and ill-fitted shoes. Now is the time to choose a pair of shoes and sneakers not for fashion but for comfort. Here are some tips to help you find that perfect pair:

Measure Your Size

It is important to note that the size of your feet changes as you grow old and as you gain weight. Just like other parts of your body, your foot is composed of bones and tissues that expand and elongate. Thus, you need to measure your foot size every time you buy shoes. If you buy shoes often, then maybe you can check your size every now and then.

Seek Help From Shoemakers For Some Adjustments

There are times when women have to buy the shoes even if there are some minor problems with the pair. Thus, it is best for you to find an excellent shoemaker to help you with minor adjustments, such as reinforcing the heels, easing hot spot or pressure points, etc. However, you should only buy shoes that require minor tweaking. If the footwear you acquired needs major overhaul, then it is not really worth your money and time to buy that pair.

If The Shoe Hurts

Do not ever think that after a few days, your shoes will fit you and be suddenly comfortable. If the shoe hurts the first time you tried it, there is a big possibility that it will continue to hurt even after wearing it for three or four times. Thus, it is wise not to buy shoes that cause some pain.

Give Your Toes Some Room

If you look at the styles of some women's shoes, you will think that they seem to have the same effect as the shoes used to bind the feet of women in ancient China. High-heeled fashionable shoes really look stunningly gorgeous but utterly uncomfortable, especially for the toes and nails.
You need to give your toes some room to wriggle inside your shoes. Thus, it is wise to select a pair that is a few centimeters longer than your feet so that your toes won't feel too pressured and cramped inside. Many women who have ingrown or long toenails complain of pinching and cramping because of very tight shoes. There is also a big chance that you will suffer from neuromas, also known as pinched nerves, if you continue to subject your feet and toes under such condition.

Women who are suffering from nail problems, such as nail fungus, should also be picky with their footwear. Slippers or open-toe shoes are ideal if you have nail problems so as not to exacerbate the situation. It is best to let your nail fungus heal before wearing enclosed footwear.

Article Source: http://www.isnare.com